Communications creates conflicts

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Health Bounting

Personaggio: Health Bounting

Biografia: Heath Bunting was born a Buddhist in Wood Green, London, UK and is able to make himself laugh. He is a co-founder of both and sport-art movements and is banned for life from entering the USA for his anti GM work. His self taught and authentically independent work is direct and uncomplicated and has never been awarded a prize or been bought or sold. He is both Britain's most important practising artist and The World's most famous computer artist. He aspires to be a skillful member of the public and is producing an expert system for identity mutation.

Sito web:

Poetica: Opera di mail art realizzata in collaborazione con l’Istitute of contemporary culture di Tokio. Attraverso un sito internet appositamente creato, il fruitore poteva inviare messaggi attraverso delle form all’artista stesso o a chiunque altro. Le opzioni date da Bounting all’interno delle form erano ovviamente di carattere artistico ed estetico. Opere: Communications creates conflicts Suicide Assassin, Borderxing Zine Still Life Unstill, Bibliografia: street level communication gateways funded by Icc, Tokyo, Japan. Webliografia: