Feingold Ken

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Versione del 24 Feb 2006 alle 15:12 di Alice (Discussione | contributi)

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Ken Feingold's work encompasses photography, film, video and interactive installations. His works are characterized by innovative solutions to issues in interfacing between human beings and virtual worlds. The mechanical and technological complexity of his spatial installations is not only the result of his knowledge of computer technology, but also of Critical Theory and philosophy.


Séance Box No.1 (work in progress) : As if it might be a mediumistic being, this networked tele-puppet performs on its stage at the whim of the one who moves it from a distance, and only this puppet master may speak with the ones from somewhere else. The visitors are seen by this puppet-medium, who learns to be the lens for the desires of the audience as they try to communicate with the ever-listening artificial actor. This agent provocateur floats in the image landscape before them, a speaking fountain given to rhyme, alliteration, and seemingly prophetic speech. In this work-in-progress presentation of what will eventually be the setting for two parts of a 3-site performance, the boundaries crossed by voices are the keys to finding messages in the network medium.