Josh On - Communiculture

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Karla S. Brunet

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On Josh - Communiculture

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Where/how did you come up with the idea for Communiculture? Were you interested in continuums? Were you stimulated by other collaborative projects?

Josh: Amy came up with the name communiculture - she had used it for some other community based projects she had been doing at Futurefarmers. The basic idea for the site came from my (Josh) degree show project at the Royal College of Art in London. I had made a site called Prototype World - which had avatars, continuums and collaborative storytelling. The idea was not to make a stand alone website - but something that could work with existing online groups providing tools to augment them. We haven't done this yet. The idea for continuums was taken directly from a technique used in sociodrama - a group process created by Jacob Moreno.

What are the goals of Communiculture? What do you intend with it? Is there a cause behind the project? An ideology?

Josh: The goals were to create tools that might facilitate better communication. Continnums might be one tool in a whole suite of online group tools. We are not sure if we will pursue this - we have talked about it and have plenty of ideas but finding the resources is difficult. No cause really, beyond investigating group tools. I am all for causes though, don't get me wrong, but I (only speaking for me here) don't see communiculture as being particularly ideological.

Why did you choose to use a collaborative platform on Comuniculture?

Josh: Not sure I understand the question... because it wouldn't work with one person? Sorry, you might have to rephrase that one!

How do you attract/achieve collaboration? ? What do you do to captivate people to participate? I see on the website that there is a great number of participants and continuums. What do you attribute to that? Press you've gotten can be an answer? Or events (I see you just show it at ZKM)?

Josh: We really have done very little beyond put it up and tell people about it. It isn't really viral, people get their through links - but it isn't that big compared to other social websites. I think the question should really be why is it so small? How come it has so few people. And I think the answer is that it was an investigation, you can't really sustain social activity on communiculture as you can on other social sites.

Are you happy with the level of participation in Comuniculture? Did you expect more or less? Is that effective in your opinion? Are you achieving your goals?

Josh: We haven't really tracked it. . I am surprised by the seriousness of some of the responses, and the amount that some individuals have used it. I would love to spend some time refining, adapting and improving it - so that their investment of time could be more rewarding for them!

How long do you plan to be on the net with Comuniculture? Is there a fixed time for its duration or not? Any future features to be added? I say that in a way because an active website is time consuming, so do you plan to be involved with the project forever? Project lifetime is something that matters for you?

Josh: We have no plans to take it down - we have vague plans to improve, expand adapt it! If you know of anyone that would like to fund version 2 let us know! Thanks for the questions - it makes me want to work more on it! Thanks for the questions - it makes me want to work more on it!
